Working as a
Financial Planner

Why Financial Planning?

What do you wish to achieve in this life? Will your current job take you to where you want to go?


Financial planners work with individuals, families, and businesses to help them understand their financial circumstances and how to reach their short-term and long-term financial goals. People from all industry backgrounds are drawn to this career path for a variety of reasons, personal and professional:

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Professional growth

There are many options for professional training and certifications for financial planners looking to progress their careers.

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Meaningful work

Financial planners build lasting relationships with clients and provide invaluable services to help them grow their wealth.

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Be your own boss

Financial planning is an entrepreneurial career. You will manage yourself and directly reap the benefits of your efforts.

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A holistic career

Financial planning will challenge you to develop personally as well into a better person, and to develop your EQ.

Joanne Lee 2
"... In 2018, I came back to Malaysia, tired of the long working hours and lonely life in Singapore. I also wished to spend more quality time with my aging parents. As I was exposed to the insurance industry, I appreciated that the income and promotion structure are within my control. As long as I am willing to work hard, I can decide my income and my career path."

— Joanne Lee, Junior Life Advisor

Career pathway

Holistic values:

Achieving your full potential, while engaging in a meaningful and rewarding journey to achieve balance in all aspects of your life.

  • Continuous education & development

  • Loving & strong relationships

  • Career progression of self & others

  • Good physical & mental health

  • Financial security & sustainability

  • Social & cultural growth to build self-confidence

  • Providing service to worthwhile endeavours without expectation of gains

  • Strive to grow spiritually & help others achieve greater fulfillment


Enjoy these unlimited benefits when you join us.

  • Awards & recognition

  • Training & development

  • Entrepreneur pathway

  • Great lifestyle

  • Great income

  • Two incentive trips per year

  • Retirement benefits

Pathways for progression and development:

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Ask a financial planner:
Why did you choose this career pathway?

CS Tan
Founder & MD, Dignity Consultant
Chartered Insurance Agency Manager (CIAM)
27 years experience

View Full Profile >

Since young, I've always had an inner calling to help those who are worse off than me. I would feel a strong sense of injustice whenever I saw the elderly, disabled, sick, orphaned, or homeless neglected by society, even when we should be helping them.

Where I grew up in Kedah, I would often see elderly people who reminded me of my beloved grandparents walking the streets collecting cardboard and recyclables in the hot sun — just to eke out a living.

It was when I started working that I realised that in order to help others, I first needed to be financially sound. Even then, as one individual, I had only limited resources to give. The solution had to be financial awareness and education.

When I was in my 20s, I was financially illiterate too. It was only after a big expensive mistake that I learnt a big lesson about investment. Since then, I told myself, I needed to master financial planning — so I could protect not only myself but help others as well.

With much hard work, I studied for 2 years and found success as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), which gave me the leverage to start my own company — Dignity Consultant. I also continued reading to grow my financial wisdom further, such as Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad, which I apply in my daily work.

With a small team behind me, I'm able to amplify my impact to help more families and individuals plan for successful futures. I hope that whatever financial mistakes I made when I was younger, others don't have to go through.

As a company, we are still growing and learning as we welcome a next generation of fresh talent. However, our calling has remained the same since the beginning, which is to help those most vulnerable in society live with greater dignity, by mastering financial planning.

Who we look for


Diploma-level education, or higher
work experience
Minimum 2-3 years of work experience, in any field
help others
A keen interest in financial management
interest in financial planning
A strong desire to help others

Preferred traits:

A caring attitude
A positive mental attitude
A visionary mindset
A willingness to learn
Problem solving ability
Social intelligence
Grit and resilience
Strong determination
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"Be like an empty cup: let others fill us with their wisdom."

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"Be like paddy: the more it matures, the more it bends down to earth."


"The law of attraction: we attract people and results similar to our thoughts."

How to apply?

1. Complete the Aston Business Assessment.

Campaign Code: CPN1919
Introducer Name: Tan Chai Siew
Introducer Code: 5339521
Introducer Type: GSM/DIR

GE assessment

2. Email your resume and cover letter to