Sam Wong

Sales Manager

Life Planning Advisor (LPA)

Supremacy Summit Awards (2x)

Supremacy Experience Summit Awards (3x)

BSc (Hons) in Computing, University of Portsmouth, UK

8 years of professional experience in Computer Science and IT

Sam Wong PNG

My Story

Sam Wong Supremacy Awards 2017

Being young and passionate about computers, I ventured into the internet cafe business soon after graduating with a computer degree. To enhance my business experience, I then joined Dell as Sales Manager.

Through my interest in becoming an entrepreneur, I took up an insurance career part-time in 2005, and became full-time in 2008. I have not looked back since.

The main reason I enjoy this career is that I have full control over my work and can explore my full potential here. I have achieved numerous awards and company incentive trips throughout the years, and I further enhanced my professional qualifications as a Life Planning Advisor which empowers me to help others with financial planning. Recently, I was promoted to Sales Manager in 2020.

Moving forward, I look to expand my business by attracting more talented business partners to join me. I would like to build a team of successful and ethical entrepreneurs who can add value and contribute back to the society.

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